Sacramental Preparation

As Catholics we have been given the gift of the sacraments. As we grow in our faith journeys we have the opportunity to receive the gifts from the sacraments. Below are descriptions of the sacraments and the preparation that is needed at St. Joseph Congregation in Wauwatosa.

Baptism of Children

Parents of young children (under the age of 7) who have not yet been baptized are encouraged to reach out to arrange a baptism for their children. There are options for a baptism in Mass or outside of Mass. Parents are encouraged to contact the office several months before the intended baptism, if possible, as this will provide time to assemble the necessary documents and plan the baptism. Click here to initiate the process for baptism.

First Reconciliation & First Communion

These sacraments are offered in 2nd grade. Students who are enrolled in the day-school receive class instruction during their school classes. Students who are enrolled in our religious education classes receive instruction during Sunday morning classes. See the main Child and Youth Ministry page for more information on our ministry to these youths.

Contact Colleen Rooney, director of child and youth formation, with any questions.   

Confirmation of Teens

Please read this letter that outlines the preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.
For the final 11th grade Confirmation preparation, please review this handbook that outlines the program.
Forms for Confirmation:

Confirmation for Adults

For Catholics who have been baptized and celebrated their first Communion but have not yet been confirmed, we have a process to prepare the person for confirmation. Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation into full communion in the Catholic Church.

The sacrament confers the Holy Spirit in very powerful ways and calls on the individual to commit oneself to faithful witness by words and life to the grace of God in Jesus Christ. The sessions leading to adult confirmation are differentiated so that Catholics with various past degrees of participation in the church can benefit from the process. Adults participate on Pentecost Sunday in the confirmation celebration at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

Click here to contact Dennis Sylva for more information.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which a person (adult or youth) enters into full communion with the Catholic Church. RCIA is for those who want to enter into full communion in the Catholic Church by receiving all of the sacraments of initiation: baptism, the Eucharist, and confirmation. A person may have been baptized but not have received the Eucharist and Confirmation. In such a case, a person is called a candidate. A person who has not been baptized is called a catechumen. Both are welcome to explore in RCIA the Catholic faith in order to discern if they wish to fully enter into communion with the Catholic Church by receiving those sacraments of initiation that they have not yet received.

The process is one in which the person attends Sunday Mass and meets with catechists to discuss various aspects of the Catholic faith and various questions that the person has about this faith. The process culminates in the reception into full communion in the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil at which time they will receive the sacraments of initiation that they have not yet received.

Click here to contact Dennis Sylva for more information.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)

RCIA is also available for children. The process is the same, however it is done in age-appropriate ways for children and youth.

Click here to contact Dennis Sylva for more information.


The sacrament of holy matrimony is a special covenant. Just as with other sacraments there is preparation that needs to occur. To contact Dennis Sylva to schedule and initiate the preparation process, click here.

Rite of Christian Burial (Funerals)

We support the families of our departed brothers and sisters in Christ. Funerals should be scheduled through the parish office. Click here to contact the parish office for more information.