
Our Christian Call to Stewardship – St. Joseph Catholic Church

Our response to the graces and gifts we have received from God is stewardship.

Each fall, we of St. Joseph Congregation in Wauwatosa especially reflect on how we each are being stewards of those graces and gifts, and how we can employ them to fulfill our baptismal commitments to follow the Son and further bring about the Kingdom of God. However, stewardship is not a one-time thing; it is a way of life.

Gain more insights into biblical stewardship at the Catholic Steward website, which includes commentaries and insights on lectionary readings.

Through Stewardship, We Are the Hands, Eyes of Christ

"Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which He is to bless people now."
– St. Teresa of Avila

What gifts has God given you that you may be the hands and eyes of Christ?

Mindful of our baptismal calling, we reflect on the blessings He has lovingly bestowed upon us. None of us is without a gift. St. Peter reminds us of that in his first letter, when he writes, in 4:10:

"Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourself at the service of others."

How can we, the people of St. Joseph, put ourselves "at the service of others?" We are called to discern our gifts and graces. And we are asked to determine how we can use those blessings in the "service of others" in response to St. Peter's mandate.

To help us in our discernment, our bishops, successors to St. Peter and the other apostles, remind us in simple terms how to understand the stewardship proclaimed by biblical prophets and authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The bishop's pastoral, "Stewardship: A Disciple's Response," calls us to:

  • Receive God's gifts gratefully;
  • Cultivate them responsibly;
  • Share them lovingly with others; and
  • Return them with increase to God.

The people of St. Joseph have responded lovingly and openly to the Biblical call to stewardship throughout the years:

  • Through countless hours of volunteerism in ministries within and outside of our parish;
  • In sharing talents and skills across a broad spectrum;
  • In returning a portion of their financial blessings for God's work here at St. Joseph' and beyond the local church.

Those whom you have entrusted to lead this parish are immensely grateful for those expressions of stewardship. We ask that you prayerfully reflect on your personal stewardship of the gifts and graces you have received from God.